nikolaas demoen

nikolaas demoen’s work does not ‘focus’, it is not intended to solve social or political problems, it is not clear who or what it ‘examines’, it does not challenge art history, nor does it seek alliance with it, it is not critical of this or that – it is work that makes the space and the distance between an action and a final result visible and tangible, just as hands do when we look at them long enough.
text by Christophe Van Gerrewey, Oog Blue; Posture Editions N° 00



  • Exhibition bal (dé)masquée, Ensor en het Masker Emile Verhaerenmuseum, Sint-Amands, groupshow curated by Rik Hemmerijckx 01.02 – 30.06 2023


  • Exhibition les mouchoirs de poche Convent, Ghent, groupshow curated by Gustave Demoen 01.12 – 17.12 2023
  • Exhibition (a) groupshow of myself Abdijstraat 34, Koksijde. 21.10 – 07.01 2024
  • Exhibition Trous Comiques aynitl 28, Croxhapox, Gent. group exhibition, 13.10 – 22.10 2023
  • Exhibition A PROT POT galerie D’Apostrof. group exhibition, curated by Trees De Mits, 15.01 – 05.02 2023


  • Exhibition Images Trouvées CO.AR.CO., Marseille. with Hans Segers, 20.05 – 19.06 2022
  • Exhibition Making Fun De Warande, Turnhout. group exhibition, 15.05 – 14.08 2022
  • Exhibition 20 jaar EL Welle. group exhibition, 07.05 – 29.05 2022


  • Exhibition One Way or another S.M.A.K., Ghent., posture editions 2011-2021. 30.10 – 28.11 2021
  • Exhibition L’Art de la Distance Emile Verhaerenmuseum, Sint Amands aan de Schelde. 13.06 – 29.08 2021
  • Exhibition Hier is het Zondag Wals, Ressegem. with Koba De Meutter and Dido Woelders, 08.05 – 30.05 2021


  • Artistbook Perform/Position/Play published by Koenig Books Köln-London.
  • Exhibition Who is playing the magic flute? at Valerie Traan 31.10 – 05.12 2020
  • Group Exhibition Nothing for Free at Pleasure Island 26.09 – 04.10.2020 with Aaron Daem, Deveny Faruque, Juan Pablo Plazas
  • Book launch Posture Editions 34 Labyrinth conversation between Koen Brams and the artist
  • Exhibition Papers, books and bolero at Kunsthal Gent, 07.02 – 22.03.2020


  • Group exhibition Le Quotidien at Valerie Traan gallery Antwerp, 27.10 – 08.12.2019
  • Group exhibition Highlights for a Future — De Collectie (1) at S.M.A.K., 16.03 – 29.09.2019


  • Book launch Namaak at Vandenhove Centrum voor architectuur en kunst. Performance ‘Les Mots et les Choses’ with: Marketa De Borggraef, Maxim Ryckaerts, Stien Stessens, Gustave Demoen and Dido Woelders
  • solo exhibition Komen en Gaan at d’apostrof, Meigem-Deinze
  • solo exhibition Replay at Convent, Gent
  • solo exhibition at Galerie EL, Welle with: Marketa De Borggraef, Maxim Ryckaerts, Stien Stessens, Bob Vanden Broeck en Dido Woelders
  • exhibition Da & Da at Galleria MLF, Brussels. With: Vincent de Roder, Stefaan Dheedene, Jonathan Michels and Adriaan Verwée. Curator: Luc Derycke


  • Group exhibition All you need is the lavatory at Croxhapox, Gent.
  • Discuter laPeinture exhibition at Mu.ZEE, Oostende
  • Publication Discuter la PeintureMER. Paper Kunsthalle. With text by Phillip Van den Bossche and Hans Demeyer (Dutch/English) – 14 × 21 cm – 84 pages – ISBN 978 94 9232 156 5
  • Le Nouvel Observateur at kasteel hof ter Saksen, Beveren. With: Karel Breugelmans, Henk Delabie, Hans Demeulenaere, Koba De Meutter, Paul Gees, Gauthier Oushoorn, Roeland Tweelinckx, Dimitri Van Grunderbeek, John Van Oers, Adriaan Verwée and Dirk Zoete. Curator: Paul Gees
  • The Hairdresser at The Mothership, Antwerp


  • Publication in DW B – literair tijdschrift ‘Eigentijd. Over schrijven en het bewustzijn’. La Maison du Génie, 10 collages /
  • Publication on the occasion of the exhibition Surprise at NETWERK, Aalst. With: Gerard Herman, Nel Aerts, Dirk Zoete, Jean Bernard Koeman, …
  • Group exhibition Dopplereffect in VOORKAMER, Lier. With: Joris Ribbens, Rik De Boe, Joris Van De Moortel, Koen Sels, …


  • Book launch Tamelijk at Netwerk, Aalst. Performance for 31 readers, 31 poems and 1 drawing. With: Oshin Albrecht, Michaël Borremans, Inge Braeckman, Vaast Colson, Katrien Daemers, Geoffrey De Beer, Kristoffel Demoen, Koba De Meutter, Karen Dumoulin, Carl De Strycker, Benjamin Eggermont, Marc Goethals, Stefaan Hautekeete, Rik Hemmerijckx, Els Heyde, RokusHofstede, Marc Kregting, Kris Latoir, Volkmar Muhleis, Mira Sanders, Koen Sels, Philippe Van Cauteren, Lieve Van de Ginste, Joke Van Den Heuvel, Carole Vanderlinden, Hannelore Van Dijck, Hilde Van Fleteren, Christophe Van Gerrewey, Frank Van Houtte, Tom Van Imschoot, Paul Vermeulen
  • Limited edition S.M.A.K.: MilleRegrets, print on pillow (7x) 63 × 63 cm
  • Group exhibition Positie kiezen in Emergent galerie & vereniging, Veurne. With: Vaast Colson, Wim Cuyvers, Els Dietvorst, Koba De Meutter, Griet Dobbels, Dora Garcia, Adam Leech, Kurt Ryslavy, Marcel Tarelkin, Stijn Van Dorpe, Veronik Willems & Sophie Anson
  • exhibition/film/book launch at the S.M.A.K. Gent, ‘L’Homme qui marche’. Music composed & played by Joachim Badenhorst/
  • Publication ‘In Courtesy of the Unknown’ – Posture Editions N° 14. With text by Sofie van Loo, Marc Kregting



  • VideoRoute in the neighbourhood Aalst (opening 7.12)
  • Exhibition ‘Siennois’ in galerie EL, Welle.
  • Group Exhibition ‘Constructies’ in Emergent galerie & vereniging, Veurne
  • Exhibition in LOODS 12 ‘Interlude’, Wetteren
  • Group exhibition LE ROUTIER with: Adriaan Verwée, Weld, Jan Wyffels, Damien De Lepeleire, Piet Mertens, Dieter Durinck, Merlyn Paridaen, Frank Van Hiel, Michiel Ceulers
  • Group exhibition ‘One day show’ Loods 12, Wetteren


  • book launch and presentation at the S.M.A.K. Gent, Posture Editions N° 0, 1 and 2. With Adriaan Verwée and Paul Gees


Table illuminée avec un livre sur El Greco — Exhibition on the occasion of the book presentation of ‘Stil verzet. De oorlogsjaren van August Vermeylen, 1939-1945’ by Hans Vandevoorde, at the Belvédère of De Boekentoren, UGent. 04-09-2024.

Discuter la Peinture — Exhibition ‘Discuter la Peinture’ at Mu.ZEE Oostende, 15.04 – 06.08.2017

bal (dé)masqué – James Ensor en het masker in de kunst, with Dirk Zoete, Jan Vercruysse, Peter Morrens, Koen Broucke, Fernand Khnopff, Tomas Kowalski…_Emile Verhaerenmuseum 15-02/ 02-06 2024.

In Courtesy of the Unknown — Book, 21 × 29.7cm, 76 pages, 2015. Posture Editions N°14 — isbn 978 94 9126 214 2. With text by Sofie van Loo and Marc Kregting. Launched at S.M.A.K. Ghent, 01.02.2015

het theater van de zakdoek – woodcut on fabric at Convent, Ghent, “Les Mouchoirs de Poche”, group-exhibition curated by Gustave Demoen 01.12- 17.12 2023. photo Cato Van Rijckeghem.

a groupshow of myself – Abdijstraat 34, Koksijde 21-10 2023 / 07-01 2024.

the hairdresser – published in conjunction of the exhibition ‘the Hairdresser’,The Mothership Antwerp. spring 2017, limited edition of 30 kopies, each with an other woodcut-print.

A PRO POT, – group show curated by Trees De Mits, with Dirk Zoete, Johan De Wilde, Arpaïs Dubois, Roeland Tweelinckx, Christina Zimpel, Christophe Lezaire, Johan Gelper, Lieve D’hondt, Maria Blondeel._D’Apostrof Galerie 15-01/ 05-02 2023.

Who is playing the Magic Flute ? – Valerie_Traan gallery, Antwerpen 31-10 2020 / 30-01 2021. Photo:Ligia Poplawska

Replay – 16×9, 7’15’‘ collection S.M.A.K. Ghent

l’homme qui marche – video in loop at De Warande-Turnhout, “Making Fun”, group-exhibition 15.05- 14.08 2022

meuble d’artiste – wood, ceramics, oilpaint, glass. “Images Trouvées”, exhibition with Hans Segers at CO.AR.CO., Marseille 21-05_19-06 2022, photo:Jean Christophe Lett

Perform, Position, Play – publication, autumn 2020. with Luc Derycke, edited by König Verlag, Köln. 206 pages/ ISBN 978-3-96098-849-6

lichaam, lijn, ovaal – woodcut on fabric “20 jaar EL” exhibition 07-29 05 2022

Nothing for Free – newspaper and exhibition at pleasure island 26.09 –04.10.2020

l’art de la distance – correction invitation card “L’art de la distance” instagramproject by Marc Goethals @voguemagazine, (re-enactment).

Papers, Books and Bolero – movie. exhibition ‘Papers, books and Bolero’ at Kunsthal Ghent, 07.02 – 22.03.2020

je est un autre – a visitor in red at my studio

Things that are happening – woodcut printed on fabriano rosapina
private collection, Dordogne-France

A possible Journey – video in loop, 2010. published in ‘De Witte Raaf’ n° 209, januari 2021. Op zoek naar handschoenen – Kuniko Mukoda, Tokio, 1981.

L’Art de la Distance – sculptural installation, 2021. Emile Verhaerenmuseum, 13.06.21_ 29.08.21

Who is playing the Magic Flute? – exhibition at Valerie traan 31.10 –05.12.2020

Papers, Books and Bolero – movie. exhibition ‘Papers, books and Bolero’ at Kunsthal Ghent, 07.02 – 22.03.2020

Labyrinth – publication, posture editions 34, launched at Kunsthal Ghent, spring 2020. printed in letterpress, text selected by Christophe Van Gerrewey.

Les Mots et Les Choses – woodcut on paper. Group exhibition ‘Le Quotidien’ at Valerie Traan gallery Antwerp, 27.10 – 08.12.2019

Cornerpiece – sculpture and performance. ‘Nightshift’ at Vooruit Ghent, 14.09.2019. With Aaron Daem (drum) and Dido Woelders (voice)

L’Homme qui Marche — Part of the exhibition ’De Collectie (1) Highlights for a Future’ at S.M.A.K. Ghent, 16.03 – 29.09.2019

Birdsong — Film and sculpture, 2014. Performance at the exhibition ‘Vibrations Off’ Honoré d’O at Kristof De Clercq Gallery Ghent 16.11 – 21.12.2014. With Inge Braeckman, Koba De Meutter

Reversible — Video in loop 16×9, 2010. Exhibition ‘Gradient’ at Verzameld Werk Ghent, 02.12.20 – 19.02.2011. With De Vylder Vinck Tailleu, Gestalte & Labt

L’Homme qui Marche — Video in loop, 5’ 40”, 2015 (music composed and played by Joachim Badenhorst). Exhibition ‘L’Homme qui marche’ at S.M.A.K. Ghent, 01.02 – 15.03.2015 (Foto Adriaan Verwée)

Five proposals for a sculpture — Foam, 1.50 × 1.90m, 2010. Performance by Sumalin Gijsbrechts at Netwerk Aalst, 21.10.2011

Oog.Blue — Wood and rubber, 2011. Exhibition ‘L’inconnu’ at Netwerk Aalst, 10.09 – 20.11.2011 (Foto Piet Mertens)

Siennois — Collage from a series of 18, 2013. Exhibition ‘Siennois’ at galerie El Welle, 29.09 – 27.10.2013

Suprematisme — Work on paper (variable dimensions), 2015. Exhibition ‘L’Homme qui Marche’ at S.M.A.K. Ghent, 01.02 – 15.03.2015

Tamelijk — Artist book with 31 poems and a drawing, 21 × 28.7cm, 36 pages. Poëziecentrum. Launched 19.12.2015 at Netwerk Aalst — isbn 9789056552961

L’Inconnu — Duratrans in lightbox, 30 × 45 × 8cm, 2015. Exhibition ‘L’Homme qui marche’ at S.M.A.K. Ghent, 01.02 – 15.03.2015

Table illuminée avec un livre sur El Greco — Sculpture, 2011. Exhibition ‘a one day Show’ at Loods 12 Wetteren, 14.04.2013. With Ignace De Vos, Nicolas Kozakis, Adriaan Verwée

Invitation sculpture — 100 sheets of paper, plastic, 21 × 15 × 4 cm. Exhibition ‘The hairdresser’ at The Mothership Antwerp, 28.01 – 25.02.2017

Very light sculpture — Foam and fan, 2017. Exhibition ‘The hairdresser’ at The Mothership Antwerp, 28.01 – 25.02.2017

Discuter la Peinture — Book, 14 × 21cm, 84 pages, isbn 978 94 9232 156 5. Published by MER. Paper Kunsthalle, 2017. With text by Phillip Vanden Bossche and Hans Demeyer

Hair — Glazed ceramics, various dimensions. Exhibition ‘The hairdresser’ at The Mothership Antwerp, 28.01 – 25.02.2017

La maison du génie — a series of 10 collages, cover of DW B magazine, september 2016

2’44” — Sketch for a video in loop, 2017 (music by Georg Phillip Telemann with Franz Brüggen at the recorder, 1965). Exhibition ‘Le Nouvel Observateur’ at Hof ter Saksen, Beveren 28.05 – 24.09.2017

La maison du génie — a series of 10 collages published in the DW B magazine, september 2016

Birdsong — Leporello, limited edition of 8, 2017

Oui, Non — woodcut for a publication on the occasion of the exhibition ‘Surprise’ at Netwerk Aalst, 24.09 — 18.12 2016

Jean Baudrillard — one of the 10 french philosophers in the video-installation on 3 screens. Exhibition ‘Discuter la Peinture’ at Mu.ZEE Oostende, 15.04 – 06.08.2017

Peut-être — woodcut with an echo at the exhibition ‘all you need is the lavatory’, croxhapox Ghent, 26.11 – 31.12.2017

Discuter la Peinture — video-installation on 3 screens with the sound of birdwhistling. Exhibition at Mu.ZEE Oostende, 15.04 – 06.08.2017

Sartre et L’Homme qui marche — oilpainting (detail), at the exhibition ‘Komen en Gaan’, D’Apostrof Meigem, 18.11 – 16.12.18

Onze Nietzsche — video in loop, reading-performance at the book release of ‘Onze Nietzsche, catechismen’, poems by Marc Kregting published by Het Balanseer Ghent, 24.11.2013

Spie — sculpture in plywood, 110 × 70 × 30 cm, at the exhibition ‘Da & Da’, curated by Luc Derycke, with Adriaan Verwée, Vincent De Roder, Stefaan Dheedene and Jonathan Michels at Gallery MLF Brussels, 12.01 – 24.02.18

Oui-Non — audio-installation at the exhibition ‘Da & Da’, curated by Luc Derycke, with Adriaan Verwée, Vincent De Roder, Stefaan Dheedene and Jonathan Michels at Gallery MLF Brussels, 12.01 – 24.02.18

Les mots et les choses — performance at the opening of the exhibition at gallery El Welle, 21.01 – 04.03.2018. With Markéta De Borggraef, Maxim Ryckaerts, Dido Woelders, Bob Vanden Broeck and Stien Stessens

Replay — an exhibition of 14 postposters. With contributions by Kim Beirnaert, Michaël Bussaer, Casier/Fieuws, Lisa De Brouwere, Luc Derycke, Jan & Randoald, Inge Ketelers, Joris Kritis, Gestalte, Julie Peeters, Ruttens-Wille, Pauline Scharmann, Stien Stessens and Roger Willems in a scenography designed by Bart Dehaene architects, Convent Ghent, 04.05 – 17.06.18

Replay — an exhibition of 14 postposters. Contribution by Jan & Randoald (inspired by the exhibition Positie Kiezen, Emergent Veurne). Convent Ghent 04.05 – 17.06.18

Labyrint — small sculpture, woodcutprint on folded mica, 2019

Gordijn — oilpainting (detail), at the exhibition ‘Komen en Gaan’, D’Apostrof Meigem, 18.11-16.12.18

Namaak — artistbook with 54 poems and 14 woodcuts, 15 × 22 cm, 72 pages, isbn 9789056551179. Published by poëziecentrum Ghent, 2018

De groene tafel — oilpainting (detail), at the exhibition ‘Komen en Gaan’, D’Apostrof Meigem, 18.11 – 16.12.18

Oog.Blue — Backcover of the very first Posture Editions N° 0, isbn 9789491262005. Launched at Netwerk, center for contemporary art, 21.10.2011

Perform, position, play — drawing in an artist-book of Lawrence Weiner, work in progress with Luc Derycke

Pigeon feathers — a series of 500 woodcutprints of different pigeon feathers as invitation for ‘Les mots et les choses’ at gallery El Welle, 21.01 – 04.03.2018

Seven sticks — edition of 7 sculptures, 2011, foam, wood, rubber

Painting and disappearing — action in the studio, 2019